Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 52
Booked Event!

Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin – anatomical aspects


Day 1 | June 1, 2023


Opening ceremony - Agenda and Cadaver safety rules

Upper limb spasticity patterns - M. Jóźwiak

Upper limb functional anatomy and USG identification of target muscles. - A. Przystańska, A. Drużdż

Coffee Break

USG identification of target muscles - group practicals in vivo

Lunch Break

Cadaver practical workshops- part I

• Upper limb target muscle identification using USG: biceps brachii brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum profundus & superficialis, flexor pollicis longus, adductor pollicis.<br /> • Needle positioning and visualization technique (in and out of plane). <br /> • USG-guided muscle injection practicals - injecting dyes. <br />

Coffee Break

Upper limb cadaver dissection - inspecting target muscle and injection site.

Summary and Discussion.


Day 2 | June 2, 2023

Lower limb spasticity patterns - M. Jóźwiak

Lower limb functional anatomy and USG identification of target muscles.- A. Przystańska, A. Drużdż

Coffee Break

USG identification of target muscles - group practicals in vivo

Cadaver practical workshops- part II

Lower limb target muscle identification using USG: tibialis posterior, soleus, gastrocnemius lateral & medial head, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus;<br /> USG-guided muscle injection practicals - injecting dyes.<br />

Lower limb cadaver dissection - inspecting target muscle and injection site.

Summary. Discussion. Certificates.

13:35 - 14:15


Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 53

Prof. Marek Jóźwiak, MD, Ph.D

Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of Wiktor Dega in Poznań

Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 54

Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 55

Artur Drużdż, M.D., Ph.D.

Neurology and Stroke Department, J. Struś Municipal Hospital in Poznań

Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 56

Michał Schinwelski MD, PhD

Neurology, Specialist Hospital of St. Wojciech in Gdańsk

Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 54

Joachim Dziwak, MD


Dane do faktury


Opłata za uczestnictwo: 6500 zł


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Spasticity treatment of lower and upper limb using Botulinum toxin - anatomical aspects 58

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