Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s 52
Booked Event!

Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s

(advanced level based on ultrasound technique)

The meeting organized by ALLERGAN


Friday, 28 June 2019

Participant registration & lunch

Functional anatomy of selected muscles of the upper limb

Ultrasonography and anatomy of selected muscles of the upper and lower limb

Coffee break

Group workshop in practical ultrasound examination of selected muscles of the upper limb


Saturday, 29 June 2019

Welcome Participants proceed to the workshop room, change into uniforms and are divided into training groups

Lectures and workshops (parallel presentations)

presentation of individual muscles of the upper limb with their anatomy and ultrasound scans, according to the therapeutic program of NHF1 and SmPC2 of the medicinal product Botox. All participants find particular muscles in the cadaver's upper limb.

Coffee break

– Injection practice – injecting a colour marker into selected muscles under ultrasound control (4 colours, each participant has their own colour) – Dissection of selected muscles and assessment of accuracy


Lectures and workshops (parallel presentations)

presentation of individual muscles of the lower limb with their anatomy, functional analysis and ultrasound scans, according to the SmPC of the medicinal product Botox. All participants find particular muscles in the cadaver's upper limb.<br /> – Injection practice – injecting a colour marker into selected muscles under ultrasound control (4 colours, each participant has their own colour)<br /> – Dissection of selected muscles and assessment of accuracy

Closing session and certificate presentation


Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s 53

Prof. Marek Jóźwiak, MD, Ph.D

Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital of Wiktor Dega in Poznań

Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s 54

Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s 55

Artur Drużdż, M.D., Ph.D.

Neurology and Stroke Department, J. Struś Municipal Hospital in Poznań


Dane do faktury

The meeting organized by ALLERGAN

Upper and lower limb anatomy course – cadaver practical’s 56

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