AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 52
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Ortopedia i Traumatologia

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture

Szkolenie przeznaczone dla ortopedów zajmujących się leczeniem urazów miednicy oraz panewki stawu biodrowego. Kurs prowadzony będzie w języku polskim.


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Registration of participants

Welcome and introduction, and course logistics - D Larysz

Module 1 - Pelvis I—patient assessment and acute treatment

Moderator: D Larysz \ Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Explain the pelvic anatomy;Describe imaging protocols and radiographic diagnosis;Explain biomechanics,injury mechanism,and classification ;Apply emergency treatment and stabilization; Recognize concomitant injuries

Radiographic (x-ray and computed tomography) assessment and classification of pelvic ring injuries - W Iluk

Acute management of pelvic ring disruption- clinical assessment, hemorrhage control and resuscitation - M Kulakowski

Expert panel—interactive discussion with cases - All

Coffee break

Small group discussion 1 Acute management, assessment, and classification of pelvic ring injuries

Group 1;Group 2;Group 3;Group 4

Lunch break

Module 2 -Pelvis II—decision making and definitive treatment of pelvic ring injuries

Moderator: M Kułakowski / Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Describe surgical approaches to the pelvis ;Define an appropriate plan for definitive management for pelvic ring injuries ;Perform reduction and fixation techniques of the pelvic ring

Decision making—surgical Indications - J Markuszewski

Treatment of anterior pelvic ring lesions - W Iluk

Posterior lesions—treatment of SI dislocations and SI fracture dislocations - D Pacek

Sacral fractures—techniques of reduction and fixation with iliosacral screws, tension band plating and lumbopelvic fixation - M Kulakowski

Indications and techniques for lumbopelvic fixation - D Larysz

Coffee break

Anatomical specimen laboratory 1

Anterior pelvic ring lesions – surgical approach, technics of reduction and fixation; Sacral fractures – surgical approaches and technics of reduction and fixation

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Module 3 - Acetabular decision—making and treatment

Moderator: W Iluk/ Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Define operative indications; Explain selection and sequence of approach; Outline reduction techniques and tools,and where and how to apply

Decision-making—indications and timing for operative treatment - M Kulakowski

Decision-making—choice of approach for operative treatment - D Larysz

Kocher-Langenbeck approach—indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - D Pacek

Ilioinguinal approach—indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - J Markuszewski

Anterior intrapelvic (modified Stoppa) approach— indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - D Larysz

Small group discussion 2 Acute management, assessment, and classification of pelvic ring injuries

Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4

Coffee break

Anatomical specimen laboratory 2

Kocher-Langenbeckapproach; Posterior approach to the pelvic ring (including Wiltse)

Lunch break

Anatomical specimen laboratory 3

Ilioinguinal approach(supine); Anterior approach to the sacroiliac joint; Middlewindow; Pfannenstielcomponent(modifiedStoppa); Pararectus(supine;sameside)


Coffee break and end of the day 2

Friday, March 11, 2022

Small group discussion 3 Radiology, classification, treatment of acetabular fractures

Group 1;Group 2;Group 3;Group 4

Indications for combined (anterior and posterior) approaches - J Markuszewski

The extended iliofemoral approach - indications and techniques - D Larysz

Acetabular fractures with concomitant pelvic ring injuries-planning of approaches and sequences for reduction and fixation - M Kulakowski

Coffee break

Small group discussion 4 Radiology, classification, treatment of acetabular fractures

Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4

End of the course


AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 53

dr n. med. Dariusz Larysz

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 54

dr n. med. Jacek Markuszewski

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 55

dr n. med. Michał Kułakowski

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 53

dr n. med. Wojciech Iluk

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 53

lek. Dawid Pacek


Dane do faktury


Registration fee
Ticket: CHF 1,400
Included in the course fee are conference bag with documentation, coffee breaks, lunch, course certificate.

Online registration

Language : Polish

AO Trauma Course— Management of Pelvic and Acetabular Fracture 58

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