Szkolenie przeznaczone dla ortopedów zajmujących się leczeniem urazów miednicy oraz panewki stawu biodrowego. Kurs prowadzony będzie w języku polskim.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Registration of participants
Welcome and introduction, and course logistics - D Larysz
Module 1 - Pelvis I—patient assessment and acute treatment
Moderator: D Larysz \ Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Explain the pelvic anatomy;Describe imaging protocols and radiographic diagnosis;Explain biomechanics,injury mechanism,and classification ;Apply emergency treatment and stabilization; Recognize concomitant injuries
Radiographic (x-ray and computed tomography) assessment and classification of pelvic ring injuries - W Iluk
Acute management of pelvic ring disruption- clinical assessment, hemorrhage control and resuscitation - M Kulakowski
Expert panel—interactive discussion with cases - All
Coffee break
Small group discussion 1 Acute management, assessment, and classification of pelvic ring injuries
Group 1;Group 2;Group 3;Group 4
Lunch break
Module 2 -Pelvis II—decision making and definitive treatment of pelvic ring injuries
Moderator: M Kułakowski / Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Describe surgical approaches to the pelvis ;Define an appropriate plan for definitive management for pelvic ring injuries ;Perform reduction and fixation techniques of the pelvic ring
Decision making—surgical Indications - J Markuszewski
Treatment of anterior pelvic ring lesions - W Iluk
Posterior lesions—treatment of SI dislocations and SI fracture dislocations - D Pacek
Sacral fractures—techniques of reduction and fixation with iliosacral screws, tension band plating and lumbopelvic fixation - M Kulakowski
Indications and techniques for lumbopelvic fixation - D Larysz
Coffee break
Anatomical specimen laboratory 1
Anterior pelvic ring lesions – surgical approach, technics of reduction and fixation; Sacral fractures – surgical approaches and technics of reduction and fixation
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Module 3 - Acetabular decision—making and treatment
Moderator: W Iluk/ Upon completion of this module, participants will be able to: Define operative indications; Explain selection and sequence of approach; Outline reduction techniques and tools,and where and how to apply
Decision-making—indications and timing for operative treatment - M Kulakowski
Decision-making—choice of approach for operative treatment - D Larysz
Kocher-Langenbeck approach—indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - D Pacek
Ilioinguinal approach—indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - J Markuszewski
Anterior intrapelvic (modified Stoppa) approach— indications and techniques of reduction and fixation - D Larysz
Small group discussion 2 Acute management, assessment, and classification of pelvic ring injuries
Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4
Coffee break
Anatomical specimen laboratory 2
Kocher-Langenbeckapproach; Posterior approach to the pelvic ring (including Wiltse)
Lunch break
Anatomical specimen laboratory 3
Ilioinguinal approach(supine); Anterior approach to the sacroiliac joint; Middlewindow; Pfannenstielcomponent(modifiedStoppa); Pararectus(supine;sameside)
Coffee break and end of the day 2
Friday, March 11, 2022
Small group discussion 3 Radiology, classification, treatment of acetabular fractures
Group 1;Group 2;Group 3;Group 4
Indications for combined (anterior and posterior) approaches - J Markuszewski
The extended iliofemoral approach - indications and techniques - D Larysz
Acetabular fractures with concomitant pelvic ring injuries-planning of approaches and sequences for reduction and fixation - M Kulakowski
Coffee break
Small group discussion 4 Radiology, classification, treatment of acetabular fractures
Group 1; Group 2; Group 3; Group 4
End of the course

dr n. med. Dariusz Larysz

dr n. med. Jacek Markuszewski

dr n. med. Michał Kułakowski

dr n. med. Wojciech Iluk

lek. Dawid Pacek
Registration fee
Ticket: CHF 1,400
Included in the course fee are conference bag with documentation, coffee breaks, lunch, course certificate.
Online registration
Language : Polish